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Friday, March 18, 2016

Tendermint Added to Microsoft Azure Platform


San Francisco CA. March 18, 2016 — Tendermint, a next generation blockchain architecture that moves beyond limiting and monolithic token-based/bitcoin-like systems, is one of the latest added to Microsoft’s exploding suite of blockchain and related tools and applications as part of the tech giant’s Azure Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform.

Disclaimer: This is a press release. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with this firm and is not responsible for its products and/or services.

Tendermint Being Added to Microsoft Azure

“We are proud to announce our partnership with Microsoft,” said Jae Kwon, CEO and founder of Tendermint.

“We’ll be integrating Microsoft Azure Cloud into our MintNet blockchain deployment tool and testing large-scale blockchain networks hosted on Azure Cloud,” adding, “We look forward to reporting details and metrics on our experiments.”

This project’s technology offers modular architecture for blockchain development, with an open-source blockchain engine at the core, which can power any ledger application.

Whether it be based on Bitcoin’s UTXO, the Ethereum virtual machine, or entirely novel designs, explained Kwon, his blockchain project can help power the network efficiently and to regulatory standards.

On Mar. 3, Tendermint was behind the scenes at the forefront of a large announcement by R3 CEV.

The technology innovation firm R3 completed trials with 40 banks using five different distributed ledger concepts, one of which was technology out of Eris Industries, specifically Eris:db, which runs Tendermint’s consensus protocol.

Tendermint uses Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus, which is designed for accountability and regulatory compliance, but also scalability and speed.

Over 10,000 transactions per second, per blockchain can be achieved with Tendermint’s proof-of-stake protocol, with new blocks committed in less than 1000ms.

Tendermint’s consensus engine communicates to applications via a socket protocol called TMSP or Tendermint Socket Protocol. Further, Tendermint is able to decompose the blockchain design by offering a very simple API between the application process and consensus process.

The TMSP is also language agnostic so developers can write smart-contracts in any programming language. Users can also leverage existing codebases, workflows and development ecosystems to build complex, production-quality applications.

Visit Tendermint.com for more information.

About Tendermint

Tendermint is an open source, blockchain and language agnostic socket protocol that facilitates distributed application deployment. The blockchain development project removes the previous complexities associated with blockchain development so that large institutions, as well as smaller, independent programmers can create their own blockchain technologies easily and efficiently.

Images courtesy of Tendermint and Microsoft.

The post Tendermint Added to Microsoft Azure Platform appeared first on Bitcoinist.net.